Our Arduino projects

Arduino is the most common MicroController for beginners to use in their Electronic projects. That is because of its compatibility with Electronics,  Globally  affordable,  and easy to use Hardware and Software for beginners to learn.

Here we present to you our Arduino – Electronic projects. We explained step by step how we created every one of those projects with Hardware  and Software details. Therefore it will be easy for you to choose which electronic project to complete and how to do it with ease while learning quickly important ways to use the Arduino for hopefully many more projects in the future.

Robotic arm with Arduino project

Robotic arm project with servo motors and Arduino. Learning how to build a completely functioning robotic arm to catch different objects and move them around. All from the hardware to the software will be explained

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Arduino web server LED control project

The Arduino web Server LED Control project - Controlling LED through a website! This project will provide all the information that is needed in order to create an interface to control LEDs with an Arduino through a website

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